
Ted Talks for a rainy day

Each of us has those days when we don’t feel like doing anything. Getting out of bed seems like a herculean task, forget about working to achieve your dreams. However, it has been famously said, “Life passed by while you were busy doing other things”. If only life would give us the odd day off. Even better if we could choose the days we want to mope around on. Until modern science gives us this facility, we will have to make do with ways to pick ourselves up because the alternative is to risk your dreams. So, today I will share with you some of the videos I watch whenever I feel like not doing anything. The list below is my own compilation and not all of you will like it. Sorry for wasting your time in that case (you can go ahead and continue moping now).

  • Have the balls to follow your dreams: Dianna David : In this talk, Dianna David, a movement storyteller, talks about her life and the decisions she took to reach where she has. She talks about her childhood dreams, parents expectations and struggles to become an artist. I like this talk because of the interactive way in which Dianna tells it. She expresses herself with more than just words and even if you have heard her message a thousand times before, she manages to stand out.
  • If you want to achieve your goals, don’t focus  on them, Reggie Rivers: The thing about the best talks is that they impart advice without being preachy. They make you laugh and keep you entertained with small personal snippets, so that by the end of the talk you don’t feel like you have listened to a sermon but to an interesting story which also gave you some valuable advice. This is another talk which motivates as it entertains. The crux of the talk is that one should focus on the things he/she can control and not worry about the consequences.
  • Forget big change, start with a tiny habit , BJ Fogg: One the TED talks that has inspired me to come up with my Summer 2015 plan. It is a really good one for people who are trying to change their life but keep falling back into the same old rut. The crux of the talk is to focus on change one step at a time. As the speaker says, relying primarily on motivation to change your behaviour is a losing strategy. So go ahead and look at the video. Let me know what do you think about it!

So these are the three TED talks, I wanted to mention in today’s blog post. I will continue to add more talks as I watch them. Keep looking at this page for more updates.

Reading list

  • Travelling the world as a digital nomad: Five life and business lessons from entrepreneur who has spent the last three years travelling over 20 countries while running his marketing business alongside. There’s some great advice here for people looking to take the plunge into digital nomadism and for those who wish to start their own online ventures.
  • Cafes to work in Hyderabad: A blog post by a friend who is actively trying to pursue the digital nomadic lifestyle. If you’re living in Hyderabad and are tired of working from your home and/or office, you might want to give these cafés a try. All of them have great ambience, good WiFi speed and delicious food.
  • The Time Crunch Workout: A 10 minute workout for those who don’t have the time to follow a proper one. It does have a detailed guide to getting a better body. You may like to try out these exercises or you may wish to follow the ten push-ups a day routine. It all depends on your timeframe for getting healthier.

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